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Streaming Subscriptions

Watchtower will continue to augment his suite of Streamed data. Please find below a list of the available subscriptions Watchtower exposes.

  1. HCS Topic Subscription

  2. HCS Get Nodes

    • /com.hedera.mirror.api.proto.NetworkService/getNodes
    • Allows for real time streaming for available nodes
  3. HCS Account Balance Subscription

    • /proto.CryptoService/cryptoGetBalance
    • Allows for real time streaming of account balance with zero syncing lag.
  4. More coming soon!

To subscribe any stream, from client side we will emit subscribe with payload and callback. Payload will contain the path to the service to subscribe and the body of the request. Callback will be called with the response of the subscription.

const payload = {    // path to which service to subscribe    subscribe: '/com.example.service/subscribeTopic',    body:{        // body static references available in the docs    }}socket.emit('subscribe', payload, (callback: any) => {    // callback will be called with the response of the subscription    // Example callback response    //{    //     "uid": "97f196b1-dc2c-4525-a314-be5e58a09f6a",    //     "listeners": {    //         "data": "data-97f196b1-dc2c-4525-a314-be5e58a09f6a",    //         "error": "error-97f196b1-dc2c-4525-a314-be5e58a09f6a",    //         "end": "end-97f196b1-dc2c-4525-a314-be5e58a09f6a",    //         "status": "status-97f196b1-dc2c-4525-a314-be5e58a09f6a"    //     },    //     "meta": {    //         "subscribe": "/com.example.service/subscribeTopic",    //         "body": {    //             // body sent in payload for subscription    //         }    //     }    // }        // will contain the path to the data stream    socket.on(, (data: any) => {        // data stream    });    // callback.listeners.error will contain the path to the error stream    socket.on(callback.listeners.error, (error: any) => {        // error stream    });})