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4. Load Contract REST API

4.1 Getting Contract REST API Payload

To have a notion of the data available we can use the Workbench

  1. Go to Arkhia Workbench in your account
  2. Navigate to Workbench
  3. Select Contracts and verify the payload

A screenshot below for reference. Screenshot

We can navigate through the different datasets and schemas that the REST Api makes available.

4.2 Map Contract API data

Go to @types folder, create a contract.ts and map the contract api according to the fields you see exposed. Example below.

  export interface ContractRestApi {    admin_key: string;    auto_renew_account: string;    auto_renew_period: string;    contract_id: string;    created_timestamp: string;    deleted: string;    evm_address: string;    expiration_timestamp: string;    filed_id: string;    max_automatic_token_associations: number;    memo: string;    obtainer_id: string;    permanent_removal: string;    proxy_account_id: string;    timestamp: contractTimestamp;}

Static typing is a good practice for APIs and allows you to have a better insight about the internal data structure of an object

4.3 Add the config and the endpoint in the Rest API Handler

Go to handlers/rest.api.service.ts

Now we need to setup the API request. For that we use Axios and our config to get the API Key. Try something like this below.

import appConfig from "@/config/appConfig";import axios from "axios";// Here you insert your API-key with x-api-key headerconst body = { headers: { "x-api-key": appConfig.arkhiaApi.arkhiaApiKey } };const restApiUrl = appConfig.arkhiaApi.getRestApiUrl();const getContractById = async (contract_id: string) => {    // use the url constructed    const url = `${restApiUrl}${appConfig.restEndpoints.contracts}/${contract_id}`;    const response = await axios.get(url, body);        return;};

4.4 Load the data under the FairTradeDemoExercise.jsx

Add a new React hook, and leverage useEffect() to load the contract api data. Something like this below.

// type created previously const [apiContract, setApiContract] = useState<ContractRestApi>();  const getContractData = async () => {    try {        const contractRestApiRequest: ContractRestApi = await RestApiService.getContractById(contractId);        setApiContract(contractRestApiRequest);    } catch(e) {        console.error(e);        setErrorMessage(errorMessageText);    } };  useEffect(() => {    getContractData();  }, []);

Then under the jsx part render the contract after its loaded. See more fields and add what you may deemed necessary.

 <Box display={`flex`} justifyContent={`start`}>    {        apiContract && (            <>                <FieldLink label='Contract Id' idValue={apiContract.contract_id} explorerCategory='contract' ></FieldLink>                ... And whatever you want            </>        )    }</Box>

As you can see fetching data from the Mirror Node Rest API is very straightforward.

You can do the same for the Token and the Treasury account as an exercise.