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5. Load Contract EVM data


For this part you may have to be comfortable with web3.js, a library that facilitates tapping into web3.0

Make sure you read the documentation before you start.

For this part we will the JSON-RPC Relay. So make sure you have the endpoint in your config variables if you haven't done so already.

5.1 Map Solidity based data

Open @types/contract.ts

export interface Contract {    contractRestApi: ContractRestApi;    contractSolData: ContractSolData;}export interface ContractSolData {    contractInfo: ContractSolInfo;    fairTradeDonators?: ContractSolDataDonators[];    contractBalance: number;}export interface ContractSolInfo {    creatorName: string;    tokenAddress: string;    tokenName: string;    tokenSupply: string;    tokenSymbol: string;}export interface ContractSolDataDonators {    amount: string;    from: string;    message: string;    name: string;    timestamp: string;}

5.2 Setup the contract and get methods

Get the abi payload created before under solcjs

  1. Go to handlers/contract.handler.ts
  2. Copy/verify this piece of code to get the data from the contract

See below how to load the contract in a variable and use

import { MetamaskService } from "./metamask.handler";import appConfig from "@/config/appConfig";import { ContractSolInfo } from "@/types/contracts";import Web3 from "web3";import { Contract } from "web3-eth-contract";// Main init varsconst providerUrl = appConfig.arkhiaApi.getJsonRpcUrl();const web3 = new Web3(providerUrl);// Abi from your compiled contractconst abi = `<YOUR_ABI_HERE>`;const contractjJson = JSON.parse(abi);// Get the evm const contractId = appConfig.demoValues.fairTradeValues.ftc_contract_solidity_id;// Web3 for metadataconst fairTradeContract =  new web3.eth.Contract(contractjJson, contractId);// let fairTradeCoffeeDataCache: ContractSolInfo = {    creatorName: ``,    tokenAddress: ``,    tokenName: ``,    tokenSupply: ``,    tokenSymbol: ``};const getContractBalance = async () => {    const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(contractId);    const balanceHbars = Math.round(Number(Web3.utils.fromWei(balance.toString())) * 100) /100;    return balanceHbars;};const getContractMetadata = async () : Promise<ContractSolInfo> => {    fairTradeCoffeeDataCache = await fairTradeContract.methods.getContractMetadata().call();    return fairTradeCoffeeDataCache;};const getFairTradeBuyers = async () => {    const getFairTradeBuyers = await fairTradeContract.methods.getFairTradeBuyers().call();    return getFairTradeBuyers;};const getFairTradeBuyerNumbers = async () => {    const getFairTradeBuyerNumbers = await fairTradeContract.methods.getFairTradeBuyerNumbers().call();    return getFairTradeBuyerNumbers;};export const ContractHandler = {    getContractBalance,    getContractMetadata,    getFairTradeBuyers,    getFairTradeBuyerNumbers,};

5.3 Load the data under the FairTradeDemoExercise.jsx

Add a new React hook, and leverage useEffect() to load the contract api data. Something like this below.

  // type created previously  const [solContract, setSolContract] = useState<ContractSolData>();  const [loadingEvmContractData, setLoadingEvmContractData] = useState(false);  const getEvmContractData = async () => {      try {          setLoadingEvmContractData(true);            const contractInfo: ContractSolInfo = await ContractHandler.getContractMetadata();          const contractFairTradeBuyers = await ContractHandler.getFairTradeBuyers();          const contractBalance = await ContractHandler.getContractBalance();          const contractSol: ContractSolData = {              contractInfo,              contractBalance,              fairTradeDonators: contractFairTradeBuyers          };          setSolContract(contractSol);          setLoadingEvmContractData(false);      } catch(e) {          console.error(e);          setErrorMessage(errorMessageText);      }   };

Then under the jsx part render the contract after its loaded. See more fields and add what you may deemed necessary.

  <Box display={`flex`} justifyContent={`center`}>    {      loadingEvmContractData ? <CircularProgress></CircularProgress> :          <Button onClick={getEvmContractData}>Load EVM Contract Data</Button>    }  </Box>

Fetching data from the Contract stored on the EVM has more caveats to it.

Also be wary these calls will be potentially charged and slower.