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Accounts (Coming soon)

Get Hedera account information using Arkhia's GraphQl service.


To get your GraphQl URL and API Key, please refer to the Getting Started Docs:

AccountInfo using ID


You can adjust the query body to select the specific fields that you want to fetch. The following example will be fetching all possible account info fields

var axios = require('axios');var data = JSON.stringify({  query: `{  account(input: {    entityId: {    shard: 0, realm: 0, num: 98}}) {    alias    autoRenewAccount {        entityId {            shard            realm            num        }    }    autoRenewPeriod    balance    createdTimestamp    declineReward    deleted    entityId {            shard            realm            num        }    expirationTimestamp    id    key    maxAutomaticTokenAssociations    memo    nonce    obtainer {        entityId {                shard                realm                num        }    }    pendingReward    receiverSigRequired    stakedAccount {        entityId {            shard            realm            num        }    }    stakePeriodStart    timestamp {        from        to    }    type  }}`,  variables: {}});var config = {  method: 'post',maxBodyLength: Infinity,  url: '<YOUR_GRAPHQL_URL>',  headers: {     'x-api-key': '<YOUR_API_KEY>',     'Content-Type': 'application/json'  },  data : data};axios(config).then(function (response) {  console.log(JSON.stringify(;}).catch(function (error) {  console.log(error);});