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A set of queries related to NFTS to get your started

Get NFTS By TokenId

const axios = require('axios');const apiKey = `<YOUR_ARKHIA_API_KEY>`;const restApiUrl = `<YOUR_ARKHIA_REST_URL>`;const body = { headers: { "x-api-key": apiKey } };getNftsByTokenId = async (nftId) => {    try {        const nftsUrl = `${restApiUrl}/tokens/${nftId}/nfts`;        const response = await axios.get(nftsUrl, body);        return response;    } catch(e) {        console.error(e);    }}

Get NFTs associated to an Account Id

const axios = require('axios');const apiKey = `<YOUR_ARKHIA_API_KEY>`;const restApiUrl = `<YOUR_ARKHIA_REST_URL>`;const body = { headers: { "x-api-key": apiKey } };// Get nfts for an account infogetNftsByAccountId= async (accountId) => {    try {        const nftsUrl = `${restApiUrl}/accounts/${accountId}/nfts`;        const response = await axios.get(nftsUrl, body);        return response;    } catch(e) {        console.error(e);    }}

Get Specific Minted NFT info

const axios = require('axios');const apiKey = `<YOUR_ARKHIA_API_KEY>`;const restApiUrl = `<YOUR_ARKHIA_REST_URL>`;const body = { headers: { "x-api-key": apiKey } };// Get nfts for an account infogetNftTransactionHistoryById= async (nftId, serialNumber) => {    try {        const nftsInfo = `${restApiUrl}/tokens/${nftId}/nfts/${serialNumber}/transactions`;        const response = await axios.get(nftsInfo, body);        return response;    } catch(e) {        console.error(e);    }}